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Whenever, a tooth has decayed beyond repair it has to be removed. If a tooth has to be removed before its time of falling out/ permanent teeth still has time to come, a space maintainer is given. A space maintainer is basically an appliance which is fixed in the extraction space( from where the milk tooth is removed) with help from the adjacent tooth. It prevents premature/early closing of empty space created by the removed tooth and gives place for the permanent tooth to come easily. 



1. The milk teeth will fall out, why do we get it removed?

Ans: If the milk teeth has been decayed beyond repair, it has to be removed to prevent infection from harming the permanent tooth which is being formed below the milk tooth.

2. Will the extraction/ tooth removal pain?

Ans: No, it is a painless procedure.

3. What is a space maintainer?

Ans. A space maintainer is a clip sort of appliance usually made of metal, it takes support from the teeth that are present in front and behind the space created by removing the tooth. 

4. How long will the space maintainer be in the mouth?

Ans. It will remain in the mouth till the permanent tooth comes, as soon as the permanent tooth is seen in the mouth, the space maintainer can be removed by the dentist.

5. Will the space maintainer cause any trouble to my child's mouth?

Ans. No, it will cause no harm to the child's mouth. It has to be maintained well by practicing regular oral hygiene at home.

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